Poker Na Pieni Dze Android

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Úvod » do mobilu - aplikace ke stažení pro Android / iOS

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Poker do mobilu od zdarma je ke stažení na systémy Android i iOS

Poker do mobilu od herny PokerStars si můžete stáhnout na oba mobilní operační systémy, kterými jsou Android od Googlu a iOS od Applu. Poker na mobilu si můžete zahrát buď o reálné peníze skrz nabízené odkazy, či zdarma. Pro hru zdarma stačí využít aplikace na Android z Google Play, která vám nabídne hry pouze o virtuální peníze.

Jak ve hře o reálné, tak o falešné peníze nechybí varianta Texas Holdem, Omaha a Omaha Hi / Lo. Aplikaci mohou využít jak hráči cash games, tak milovníci Sit and Go turnajů, či turnajů Multi-table.

Od února 2017 herna migrovala na doménu CZ a tím pádem i aplikace nyní operuje pod jménem

Pokud si budete chtít zahrát o reálné peníze, pak si musíte stáhnout aplikaci PokerStars na Android, či pro iPhone na této stránce. Herna PokerStars nabízí mimo jiné i další aplikace, která vám mohou pomoci při organizaci domácích turnajů, nebo můžete mít aktuální informace např. z EPT jako na dlani. ke stažení na Android - doplňující informace

V případě, že si chcete zahrát online poker na PokerStars skrz jejich Android aplikaci, budete potřebovat následující specifikaci:

  • Verzi systému Android alespoň 2.2 a vyšší
  • Rozlišení displeje vašeho telefonu od 800x480 pixelů
  • Podporované přístroje: např. Samsung Galaxy, Nexus, Motorola Droid, HTC One, HTC Sensation, HTC Desice, Sony Ericson Xperia, Acer Liquid atd. ke stažení i na iPhone / iPad tablet - doplňující informace

Podobně jako u Androidu, budete potřebovat pro spuštění mobilní aplikace v iOS zařízení (iPhone, tablet iPad) splňovat následující:

  • Verze iOS alespoň 4.1.x a vyšší
  • Podporované přístroje: iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, tablet iPad 2/3/ Nový iPad, íPod Touch 4.gen

Postup instalace mobilní aplikace od

Kompletního průvodce instalací na jednotlivé zařízení naleznete přímo na PokerStars pod záložkou 'Podpora a FAQ k mobilním aplikacím'.

  • V případě nejasností se obraťte na support PokerStars.

Grafický manuál na registraci skrz Android:

Grafický manuál na registraci skrz iOS (iPhone / iPad):

Obecné informace o Poker v mobilu

  • Problém s PokerStars mobilní aplikací by mohl nastat, pokud se vyskytujete na území státu, kde je online poker regulován.
    (nepůjde spustit-např v USA)
  • Datová náročnost mobilní hry je na 1 stůl / 1 hodinu hry cca 1 MB přijatých dat a 500 Kb odeslaných dat.
  • Přes mobilní aplikaci můžete hrát maximálně 4 (Andoid) a 5 (Apple) poker stolů najednou.
  • Aplikace není dostupná v českém jazyce.
  • Vkládat i vybírat peníze lze i přes mobilní aplikaci (poprvé ale musíte vložit přes PC).
  • V případě, že během hry přijmete hovor, automaticky vás software nastaví jako 'Sit Out'.

Nemáte ještě účet na PokerStars a chtěli byste získat přístup k privátním turnajům od

Zaregistrujte se na online pokerové herně! (registrace krok po kroku)

Nazapomeňte při registraci zadat bonusový kód ''!

Ukázka hry s mobilní aplikací od PokerStars

  • Zde je malá videoukázka jak taková hra na mobilu vypadá:
  • Ještě přidáme videorecenzi mobilní aplikace herny PokerStars:

Ostatní mobilní aplikace od PokerStars - TV, Clock, EPT

  • Herna PokerStarsnabízí kromě herních aplikací i doplňující mobilní software.
StáhnoutNázevStručný popis aplikace
PokerStars TVAplikace pro sledování aktuálních videí ze světa pokeru. Naleznete zde přenosy z živých akcí i televizní show.
PokerStars ClockAplikace na správu pokerových turnajů. Pokud chcete měřit blindy, ante a jednolivé levely pomocí mobilu, toto je aplikace pro vás.
PokerStars EPTVeškeré informace o European Poker Tour (EPT) na dosah vašeho prstu. Přehledná aplikace o festivalu (program, struktury, výsledky).

vás provázíme světem pokeru

registrovaných hráčů na Jak Hrát Poker

tématických článků, návodů a recenzí

jsme rozdali našim čtenářům v turnajích

Související články:

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    - návod pro začátečníky, jak a kde začít hrát online poker ve 4řech krocích.
  • Nejlepší poker herny

    - přehledy nejlepších online heren, včetně recenzí, bonusů a důležitých informací.
  • Zahrajte si poker zdarma

    - podrobné návody na to, jak sehnat peníze na poker online zdarma.
  • Zkuste poker v mobilu

    - poker se dá dnes hrát i z vašeho chytrého telefonu - podívejte se jak na to!
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  • Pomocný poker software

    - kvalitní poker software vám pomůže při rozhodování při poker hře..
  • Poker na živo

    - přehled největších pokerových turnajů a profesionálních hráčů pokeru jak online, tak naživo.
  • Základy pokeru

    - základní pravidla Texas Holdem pokeru, výherní kombinace a další základní informace.
  • Herna PokerStars

    - odkazy, recenze, informace - prostě vše o největší poker herně světa.

Diskuze k tématu

Olda | 27. března 2017, 10:56
Můžete prosím někdo napsat kde můžu stahnout tu apku? nejde mi to. Pokažde když stahnu tak mi to po přihlášení napíše že mám verzi pro czMatěj, JakHrátPoker

A jsi fyzicky v Čechách? .. jinak by to mělo jít v pohodě. Nic jiného mě nenapadá :/

slanino | 9. března 2015, 21:16
Mam stejnej problem na se nemuzu dostat do me to nechce pustit... nechci hrat za hrazi zetony kdo poradi kde stahnout?
Jeremy | 2. března 2015, 18:22
jop ta nová appka je vymazlená. škoda že ostatní neudrží krok
Geri | 25. prosince 2014, 14:30
Pls kde stahnu appku kde se da hrat za real money??jde mi jen za hraci žetony..Diky
Vincetek | 26. září 2013, 10:18
Pokrstars pro android je pro mě nejpoužívanější appka skoro. Jen teda bacha ať nestáhnete tu pokerstars net verzi, kde se hraje jen o play money! Je třeba sosnout z webu a instalnout.
Ugo | 18. září 2013, 15:04
Super článek! PokrStars sem si stáhnul do svý S3 a už hraju. Je to výborný na přesuny po praze. Jen škoda že v metru si moc nezahraju =)
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Varování Ministerstva financí: Hraní hazardních her může způsobit závislost!










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vyhrál $1,662.42 za 1. místo v herně Winamax BRUNCH, odehráno 29. května 2016 v 13:00
vyhrál $3,391.50 za 3. místo v herně PokerStars $109 Sunday Starter, $25K Gtd, odehráno 29. května 2016 v 04:00

Poker Na Pieni Dze Android V

vyhrál $1,188.82 za 2. místo v herně PokerStars $27 NLHE [Progressive KO], $15K Gtd, odehráno 28. května 2016 v 15:10
vyhrál $1,681.96 za 1. místo v herně PokerStars $82 NLHE [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], $10K Gtd, odehráno 28. května 2016 v 18:45
vyhrál $3,183.12 za 1. místo v herně PokerStars.FR Minuit Express [Hyper] - €20, €13,000 Gtd, odehráno 28. května 2016 v 17:00
vyhrál $1,880.27 za 1. místo v herně PokerStars.FR The Storm €10 + R, €8 000 Gtd, odehráno 28. května 2016 v 10:15
vyhrál $1,018.26 za 4. místo v herně PokerStars $55 NLHE [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo], $10K Gtd, odehráno 28. května 2016 v 14:35
Poker na pieniadze android adobe flash player
vyhrál $1,369.90 za 12. místo v herně Bwin (PartyPoker) High Roller: $50,000 Gtd, odehráno 27. května 2016 v 22:29
vyhrál $2,470.00 za 2. místo v herně Party Poker Middleweight: The Contender - $20,000 Gtd, odehráno 27. května 2016 v 21:26
vyhrál $1,595.19 za 3. místo v herně Winamax TIE BREAK, odehráno 27. května 2016 v 22:30
Zobrazit všechny úspěchy

Mobile poker is technology's newest gift to online poker players, enabling them to play real money poker from any location under the sun.

The game of poker has been discovered to date back centuries in the past, but when it comes to the present, it seems that it is bound to exist for just as many years to come.

This pastime of the human civilisation has been able to survive the passage of time due to some of its key qualities. For one, it bears an element of entertainment due to the fact that players need to have developed card skills, bluffing capabilities and an inherent desire to use all this for the sake of winning the card game.

As for the other key feature that seems to have determined the game's popularity throughout the ages – gambling – proof of its ability to capture people's attention is evident in multiple studies throughout the years. In fact, the risk factor seems to be one of the players' main drivers towards the next available poker table.

Top Poker Rooms for January 2021

Terms and Conditions apply. Must be +18 to participate.

All Poker Rooms are Licensed , Mobile Friendly

100% Up To $1000

Welcome Bonus

349 user ratingsRead Review

100% Up To $400(18+ T&C apply)

Welcome Bonus

219 user ratingsRead Review

100% Up To $1000

Welcome Bonus

0 user ratingsRead Review

200% Up To £500

Welcome Bonus

0 user ratingsRead Review

As technology started to progress, and all kinds of tech achievements were brought to the fore, it became certain that a lot of segments in human life were bound to change and adapt to the circumstances. The game of poker surprisingly turned out to be one of them, and as computers and all kinds of hardware gadgets were brought to the fore, so the game started to evolve and accept being played on platforms other than the poker table felt.

With the massive rise in mobile device's popularity, smartphones and tablets became the new unexploited market. Developers soon managed to set the transition from desktop to mobile underway and mobile poker sites and corresponding apps were soon attracting the player pools to their realms.

This shape of the game still abides by the same rules and standards, but there are a few novel considerations which need to be accounted for when choosing to take your seat at a mobile poker site's table. Reading on, you will learn about the different types of mobile poker sites and services, the way they enable you to enjoy your favourite game and the different features which help you identify those mobile poker sites that offer the best experience.

Types of Mobile Poker Sites


  • Types of Mobile Poker Sites

In order to make the most use of this invention and enjoy it fully, there are a few things that eager poker players will need to be aware of before accessing such platforms and playing poker with the rest of the player pool.

Before we move on to the specific types of mobile poker sites and the features mentioned above, you need to understand the concept of a mobile poker site. This is a form of online service which will operate as soon as you are able to connect to the Internet. Now, once you have established a stable and secure online connection, accessing mobile poker sites can be done in one of two ways, which basically denotes the two types of the service.

The ability to play poker on mobile devices is a boon to poker players who are always on the move. Thanks to the availability of mobile poker rooms and mobile poker applications, poker players can play their favourite games of poker for real money, irrespective of their geographic location.

Web Browser Sites

This is the true form of mobile poker sites – a platform that operates online and can solely be accessed through a web browser. While these mobile poker sites may not require any operative system specifications for the mobile device, you will need to have the appropriate mobile browser in place in order to run the site's software.

These online website services first appeared with the rise of the Internet, but became even more famous as land-based casinos and poker rooms turned more and more obsolete. Nowadays, they are known as online poker room operators and are considered as just another form of a modern business establishment.

Poker Apps

The second form of these mobile poker sites is known as mobile poker apps. These are practically sites which, aside from their instant-play browser version, offer a downloadable version of their software in the form of a mobile device app. Even if they do not offer any game play on the website as it is, the mobile poker app is bound to offer all the functionalities that are found in the previous type.

While mobile poker sites only required a suitable browser, these mobile apps tend to be constructed for different operative systems. Mobile devices run on many various OSs, but the dominant types include Android and Apple's iOS systems. Other than these, Windows Phone systems and Blackberry are popular types, but owners of such smartphones and tablets tend to access the mobile poker sites rather than looking for the rarely available inherent apps.

Android mobiles on the one hand, and iPhones and iPads on the other, running mobile poker apps are a common occurrence. They don't require a lot of maintenance and can be downloaded directly from the operator's website or through the Apple App Store. The only requirement you are supposed to meet is the operative system's version – most apps tend to run on all the newer versions of the OS and the corresponding device hardware, but the best way to guarantee your enjoyment in all of the app's benefits is by checking the exact specifications.

Playing real money Poker on Different Mobile Phones

Poker Na Pieniadze Android Find My Phone

The online poker industry has only recently realized the amazing potential of mobile poker gaming, owing to which mobile poker is still in its infancy and has a long way to go. The best mobile poker rooms have launched amazing poker applications that can be easily downloaded onto Android, Blackberry, and iOS devices, enabling players to play real money poker on the move.

iPhone : Playing poker on an iPhone can be a delightful experience because the iPhone is packed with innovative features. A large number of online poker rooms have already developed mobile poker applications compatible with iPhones, but the iPhone poker industry is very young and needs to be developed. In future, the poker gaming industry might develop downloadable poker gaming software compatible with the iPhone, enabling players to access all the features of the online poker room on their iPhones.

Currently, a handful of online poker rooms such as PokerStars, Bwin, and Switch Poker offer iPhone poker.

iPad : Playing poker games on an iPad devices is definitely an enhanced experience because of their larger screens and better batteries. Since the iPad battery lasts longer, iPad poker is ideal for poker players who prefer longer cash games and poker tournaments. The above-mentioned online poker rooms are also compatible with the iPad.

Android : Although many were skeptical when Google acquired Android Inc in 2005, Android mobile phones became just as popular as iPhones and iPads. Cashing in on the popularity of Android devices, online poker companies became rolling out real money poker apps compatible with Android phones. Today, Android mobile poker is rapidly gaining popularity.

In fact, Android mobile poker is more easily available than iPhone online poker, and Android users in different parts of the world such as UK, Australia, Canada, and US can play real money poker games on their Android phones.

Moreover, Android devices come with touch screens that facilitate smooth game play with awesome graphics, giving players a realistic poker gaming experience.

Blackberry : Today, the market is literally flooded with smartphones at present, Blackberry, which happens to be among the first smartphones launched in 1999, still enjoys a great deal of popularity. Since Blackberry devices are the fifth most popular in the world, a large number of people prefer to play their favorite poker games on their Blackberry devices.


Blackberry devices are a hot favorite in the US although people in Australia, UK, and other parts of the world are developing a fondness for these fabulous devices. The poker industry has, therefore, churned out a number of Blackberry mobile poker apps for the benefit of Blackberry users.

Windows Mobile : Although Windows Mobile is not as popular as Blackberry, Android, or iPhone, its latest version called Windows Phone 7 is almost as good as the above mentioned. Playing Windows Mobile Poker is an excellent experience as the device has an excellent touch screen, high resolution, and fast processors, making the mobile poker experience as realistic as possible.

Poker players can find a number of excellent mobile poker rooms and apps compatible with Windows Mobile, and many of them offer great bonuses and lucrative tournaments.

Main Features of Mobile Poker Sites

As mentioned earlier, mobile poker sites are packed with all kinds of features and characteristics which make them as functional as they are. These refer to all different elements that find their place in forming the end product – a mobile poker site.

While some may seem to be less important than others, you need to pay great attention to all of them equally. For example, you need to have at least the standard poker variants and a selection of several different types of player competition events in order to stay with one poker site a longer period of time. However, should the site lack the ability to sustain a stable connection, or simply come packed with too many minute buttons that can cost players dearly, game selection will not suffice on its own.

Poker Na Pieniadze Android Telefon

Evidently so, mobile poker sites have been able to achieve some form of equilibrium. Had operators not been able to do this – the mobile poker industry would probably be non-existing. Now that the situation has a rather positive outlook, and mobile poker is all the more supported by the constant evolution and improvement of mobile devices – smartphones and tablets – all you need to do is identify the separate elements of these software solutions and understand each of their roles in constructing the perfect product.

Poker Licensing & Security

The matter of legalizing and regulating the market presence for this kind of establishments is quite a complex situation, and when it comes to their mobile counterparts, the situation is no different. A large number of governments over the world have specific authoritative bodies that impose strict regulations and requirements for these operators to meet. Should they be able to reach the standards, they are awarded with a license to operate. Nonetheless, such licenses are not irrevocable, and can easily be annulled should the need arise.

When it comes to the specific case of mobile poker sites, these could be inherently dedicated to mobile use or simply provide a mobile-compatible script of the desktop software version. In the first case, the mobile poker site acts as an independent entity and is expected to meet requirements on its own in order to receive proper legal authorization. As for the latter case of a mobile version of the same software, operator and ultimately player pool, players should expect to see a license from the same gambling commission on both platforms.

Security issues, on the other hand, have long been considered a major obstacle for the mobile industry in general, so when mobile poker sites came up, security became a priority. Mobile devices, phones primarily, had a reputation of being susceptible to third party interference, which is why operators were forced to employ even more stringent security measures to ensure such things are virtually impossible. Nowadays, reliable mobile poker sites use SSL encryption to that purpose, along with regular tests and software inspections.

Poker Software Reliability & Fairness

Speaking of software inspections and tests, it is important to mention how indispensible they are to ensuring the software on your mobile poker site (or inherent app) is provably fair. Special independent consulting companies are hired for this purpose, with the intention of checking and proving that every outcome of the card decks is completely random and unpredictable, yet reliable enough to give players a chance at winning, should they play their hand right.

As for the software's reliability aspect, players need to take into account much more than its plain regularity. Namely, a mobile poker site's reliability is a multi-factor affair – for one, the site needs to be fully compatible with the device it is intended for, and should any inconsistencies arise, there's risk of losing the entertainment element. On a different note, the mobile poker site's reliability also factors in the availability of customer support options and their responsiveness, as well as the site's interactivity with the players.

Mobile Poker Sites Design

While the site needs to be interactive enough in order to be reliable, it can only achieve that if it is well designed and created. Mobile poker sites may appear to be the same to the untrained eye of an amateur occasional player, but the best in the game can tell a good concept from a non-existing one.

The site's design covers everything from the poker lobby, the tables, cards, felt, all the way to the sound effects, as well as the ability to customize all that in a way that players find fitting. One thing that cannot be customized, yet plays a major role in this segment is the site's menu. Its accessibility, the way it lists the options as well as the actual consistency of the list are all taken into account for the mobile poker site's design rating.

On the whole, the best mobile poker design is one that is not noticeable, yet manages to be completely serviceable and pleasing to the eye. While some consider this as an aspect that only operates in the background, the fact that it can seriously obstruct the player's experience brings the matter to the fore by default.

Poker Na Pieniadze Android Di

Mobile Poker Game Selection

Poker players come to mobile poker sites for their irrepressible wish to play some poker when they can't spare the time at home or at a land-based poker room, meaning that their primary use emphasizes the need for a good and varied game selection.
Still, smaller screens and lesser processing power remain features of mobile devices, thus setting the standard game selection at about two to three variants, which is enough to keep players interested for quite some time. Texas Hold'em and Omaha are the omnipresent poker games, but recent releases have seen operators trying to add more vibration to their game selection. Some go so far as to provide the same game selection from their desktop client, which is bound to have a positive effect on the overall progress.

Mobile Poker Player Bonuses & Promos

The pillars of the online gambling industry have just as big an influence on the mobile poker sites rating charts as they do on the whole. In order to appeal to a larger player pool, these operators employ a specific marketing strategy in the form of player bonuses and promotional offers. These aim to reward or incentivize the person to accept the deal and get into the platform, or to keep them in once things get monotonous.

Poker Na Pieni Dze Android
vyhrál $1,369.90 za 12. místo v herně Bwin (PartyPoker) High Roller: $50,000 Gtd, odehráno 27. května 2016 v 22:29
vyhrál $2,470.00 za 2. místo v herně Party Poker Middleweight: The Contender - $20,000 Gtd, odehráno 27. května 2016 v 21:26
vyhrál $1,595.19 za 3. místo v herně Winamax TIE BREAK, odehráno 27. května 2016 v 22:30
Zobrazit všechny úspěchy

Mobile poker is technology's newest gift to online poker players, enabling them to play real money poker from any location under the sun.

The game of poker has been discovered to date back centuries in the past, but when it comes to the present, it seems that it is bound to exist for just as many years to come.

This pastime of the human civilisation has been able to survive the passage of time due to some of its key qualities. For one, it bears an element of entertainment due to the fact that players need to have developed card skills, bluffing capabilities and an inherent desire to use all this for the sake of winning the card game.

As for the other key feature that seems to have determined the game's popularity throughout the ages – gambling – proof of its ability to capture people's attention is evident in multiple studies throughout the years. In fact, the risk factor seems to be one of the players' main drivers towards the next available poker table.

Top Poker Rooms for January 2021

Terms and Conditions apply. Must be +18 to participate.

All Poker Rooms are Licensed , Mobile Friendly

100% Up To $1000

Welcome Bonus

349 user ratingsRead Review

100% Up To $400(18+ T&C apply)

Welcome Bonus

219 user ratingsRead Review

100% Up To $1000

Welcome Bonus

0 user ratingsRead Review

200% Up To £500

Welcome Bonus

0 user ratingsRead Review

As technology started to progress, and all kinds of tech achievements were brought to the fore, it became certain that a lot of segments in human life were bound to change and adapt to the circumstances. The game of poker surprisingly turned out to be one of them, and as computers and all kinds of hardware gadgets were brought to the fore, so the game started to evolve and accept being played on platforms other than the poker table felt.

With the massive rise in mobile device's popularity, smartphones and tablets became the new unexploited market. Developers soon managed to set the transition from desktop to mobile underway and mobile poker sites and corresponding apps were soon attracting the player pools to their realms.

This shape of the game still abides by the same rules and standards, but there are a few novel considerations which need to be accounted for when choosing to take your seat at a mobile poker site's table. Reading on, you will learn about the different types of mobile poker sites and services, the way they enable you to enjoy your favourite game and the different features which help you identify those mobile poker sites that offer the best experience.

Types of Mobile Poker Sites


  • Types of Mobile Poker Sites

In order to make the most use of this invention and enjoy it fully, there are a few things that eager poker players will need to be aware of before accessing such platforms and playing poker with the rest of the player pool.

Before we move on to the specific types of mobile poker sites and the features mentioned above, you need to understand the concept of a mobile poker site. This is a form of online service which will operate as soon as you are able to connect to the Internet. Now, once you have established a stable and secure online connection, accessing mobile poker sites can be done in one of two ways, which basically denotes the two types of the service.

The ability to play poker on mobile devices is a boon to poker players who are always on the move. Thanks to the availability of mobile poker rooms and mobile poker applications, poker players can play their favourite games of poker for real money, irrespective of their geographic location.

Web Browser Sites

This is the true form of mobile poker sites – a platform that operates online and can solely be accessed through a web browser. While these mobile poker sites may not require any operative system specifications for the mobile device, you will need to have the appropriate mobile browser in place in order to run the site's software.

These online website services first appeared with the rise of the Internet, but became even more famous as land-based casinos and poker rooms turned more and more obsolete. Nowadays, they are known as online poker room operators and are considered as just another form of a modern business establishment.

Poker Apps

The second form of these mobile poker sites is known as mobile poker apps. These are practically sites which, aside from their instant-play browser version, offer a downloadable version of their software in the form of a mobile device app. Even if they do not offer any game play on the website as it is, the mobile poker app is bound to offer all the functionalities that are found in the previous type.

While mobile poker sites only required a suitable browser, these mobile apps tend to be constructed for different operative systems. Mobile devices run on many various OSs, but the dominant types include Android and Apple's iOS systems. Other than these, Windows Phone systems and Blackberry are popular types, but owners of such smartphones and tablets tend to access the mobile poker sites rather than looking for the rarely available inherent apps.

Android mobiles on the one hand, and iPhones and iPads on the other, running mobile poker apps are a common occurrence. They don't require a lot of maintenance and can be downloaded directly from the operator's website or through the Apple App Store. The only requirement you are supposed to meet is the operative system's version – most apps tend to run on all the newer versions of the OS and the corresponding device hardware, but the best way to guarantee your enjoyment in all of the app's benefits is by checking the exact specifications.

Playing real money Poker on Different Mobile Phones

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The online poker industry has only recently realized the amazing potential of mobile poker gaming, owing to which mobile poker is still in its infancy and has a long way to go. The best mobile poker rooms have launched amazing poker applications that can be easily downloaded onto Android, Blackberry, and iOS devices, enabling players to play real money poker on the move.

iPhone : Playing poker on an iPhone can be a delightful experience because the iPhone is packed with innovative features. A large number of online poker rooms have already developed mobile poker applications compatible with iPhones, but the iPhone poker industry is very young and needs to be developed. In future, the poker gaming industry might develop downloadable poker gaming software compatible with the iPhone, enabling players to access all the features of the online poker room on their iPhones.

Currently, a handful of online poker rooms such as PokerStars, Bwin, and Switch Poker offer iPhone poker.

iPad : Playing poker games on an iPad devices is definitely an enhanced experience because of their larger screens and better batteries. Since the iPad battery lasts longer, iPad poker is ideal for poker players who prefer longer cash games and poker tournaments. The above-mentioned online poker rooms are also compatible with the iPad.

Android : Although many were skeptical when Google acquired Android Inc in 2005, Android mobile phones became just as popular as iPhones and iPads. Cashing in on the popularity of Android devices, online poker companies became rolling out real money poker apps compatible with Android phones. Today, Android mobile poker is rapidly gaining popularity.

In fact, Android mobile poker is more easily available than iPhone online poker, and Android users in different parts of the world such as UK, Australia, Canada, and US can play real money poker games on their Android phones.

Moreover, Android devices come with touch screens that facilitate smooth game play with awesome graphics, giving players a realistic poker gaming experience.

Blackberry : Today, the market is literally flooded with smartphones at present, Blackberry, which happens to be among the first smartphones launched in 1999, still enjoys a great deal of popularity. Since Blackberry devices are the fifth most popular in the world, a large number of people prefer to play their favorite poker games on their Blackberry devices.

Blackberry devices are a hot favorite in the US although people in Australia, UK, and other parts of the world are developing a fondness for these fabulous devices. The poker industry has, therefore, churned out a number of Blackberry mobile poker apps for the benefit of Blackberry users.

Windows Mobile : Although Windows Mobile is not as popular as Blackberry, Android, or iPhone, its latest version called Windows Phone 7 is almost as good as the above mentioned. Playing Windows Mobile Poker is an excellent experience as the device has an excellent touch screen, high resolution, and fast processors, making the mobile poker experience as realistic as possible.

Poker players can find a number of excellent mobile poker rooms and apps compatible with Windows Mobile, and many of them offer great bonuses and lucrative tournaments.

Main Features of Mobile Poker Sites

As mentioned earlier, mobile poker sites are packed with all kinds of features and characteristics which make them as functional as they are. These refer to all different elements that find their place in forming the end product – a mobile poker site.

While some may seem to be less important than others, you need to pay great attention to all of them equally. For example, you need to have at least the standard poker variants and a selection of several different types of player competition events in order to stay with one poker site a longer period of time. However, should the site lack the ability to sustain a stable connection, or simply come packed with too many minute buttons that can cost players dearly, game selection will not suffice on its own.

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Evidently so, mobile poker sites have been able to achieve some form of equilibrium. Had operators not been able to do this – the mobile poker industry would probably be non-existing. Now that the situation has a rather positive outlook, and mobile poker is all the more supported by the constant evolution and improvement of mobile devices – smartphones and tablets – all you need to do is identify the separate elements of these software solutions and understand each of their roles in constructing the perfect product.

Poker Licensing & Security

The matter of legalizing and regulating the market presence for this kind of establishments is quite a complex situation, and when it comes to their mobile counterparts, the situation is no different. A large number of governments over the world have specific authoritative bodies that impose strict regulations and requirements for these operators to meet. Should they be able to reach the standards, they are awarded with a license to operate. Nonetheless, such licenses are not irrevocable, and can easily be annulled should the need arise.

When it comes to the specific case of mobile poker sites, these could be inherently dedicated to mobile use or simply provide a mobile-compatible script of the desktop software version. In the first case, the mobile poker site acts as an independent entity and is expected to meet requirements on its own in order to receive proper legal authorization. As for the latter case of a mobile version of the same software, operator and ultimately player pool, players should expect to see a license from the same gambling commission on both platforms.

Security issues, on the other hand, have long been considered a major obstacle for the mobile industry in general, so when mobile poker sites came up, security became a priority. Mobile devices, phones primarily, had a reputation of being susceptible to third party interference, which is why operators were forced to employ even more stringent security measures to ensure such things are virtually impossible. Nowadays, reliable mobile poker sites use SSL encryption to that purpose, along with regular tests and software inspections.

Poker Software Reliability & Fairness

Speaking of software inspections and tests, it is important to mention how indispensible they are to ensuring the software on your mobile poker site (or inherent app) is provably fair. Special independent consulting companies are hired for this purpose, with the intention of checking and proving that every outcome of the card decks is completely random and unpredictable, yet reliable enough to give players a chance at winning, should they play their hand right.

As for the software's reliability aspect, players need to take into account much more than its plain regularity. Namely, a mobile poker site's reliability is a multi-factor affair – for one, the site needs to be fully compatible with the device it is intended for, and should any inconsistencies arise, there's risk of losing the entertainment element. On a different note, the mobile poker site's reliability also factors in the availability of customer support options and their responsiveness, as well as the site's interactivity with the players.

Mobile Poker Sites Design

While the site needs to be interactive enough in order to be reliable, it can only achieve that if it is well designed and created. Mobile poker sites may appear to be the same to the untrained eye of an amateur occasional player, but the best in the game can tell a good concept from a non-existing one.

The site's design covers everything from the poker lobby, the tables, cards, felt, all the way to the sound effects, as well as the ability to customize all that in a way that players find fitting. One thing that cannot be customized, yet plays a major role in this segment is the site's menu. Its accessibility, the way it lists the options as well as the actual consistency of the list are all taken into account for the mobile poker site's design rating.

On the whole, the best mobile poker design is one that is not noticeable, yet manages to be completely serviceable and pleasing to the eye. While some consider this as an aspect that only operates in the background, the fact that it can seriously obstruct the player's experience brings the matter to the fore by default.

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Mobile Poker Game Selection

Poker players come to mobile poker sites for their irrepressible wish to play some poker when they can't spare the time at home or at a land-based poker room, meaning that their primary use emphasizes the need for a good and varied game selection.
Still, smaller screens and lesser processing power remain features of mobile devices, thus setting the standard game selection at about two to three variants, which is enough to keep players interested for quite some time. Texas Hold'em and Omaha are the omnipresent poker games, but recent releases have seen operators trying to add more vibration to their game selection. Some go so far as to provide the same game selection from their desktop client, which is bound to have a positive effect on the overall progress.

Mobile Poker Player Bonuses & Promos

The pillars of the online gambling industry have just as big an influence on the mobile poker sites rating charts as they do on the whole. In order to appeal to a larger player pool, these operators employ a specific marketing strategy in the form of player bonuses and promotional offers. These aim to reward or incentivize the person to accept the deal and get into the platform, or to keep them in once things get monotonous.

While the entire concept is intended to help the players and encourage them, there is one thing about player bonuses and promos that should be factored in when looking at the big picture. Namely, mobile poker sites offer all kinds of player benefits in these programs, often including real, free cash straight out of their pockets – in order for this to pay off on the long run, it is connected to a string of terms and conditions. Also known as wagering requirements, these bonus terms determine the exact situations and circumstances under which players are able to qualify for the benefit, use it, and pay it back in order to be able to take out their profits.


En masse, a mobile poker site operates as a complex organism that needs all its segments to be just as optimised as the whole in order to provide the best service possible. Now that they have entered the online gaming industry by and large, players are more than ever encouraged to learn all about them. As it seems, they are beginning to appear fully independent and separate of desktop clients, hence, need to be accepted as such and properly evaluated during players' selection process.


Yes, players are allowed to make deposits and withdrawals on mobile poker sites, mainly through a separate function in the poker lobby menu – Cashier. This function features a list of banking methods available to the respective player, both for depositing and withdrawal purposes, as well as any limits regarding the procedures.

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No, players can choose whether they want to play for real money or free play credits, but they need to make sure that their chosen poker site is able to provide both options. Otherwise, players are advised to choose a separate mobile poker site, or app, that will offer them a chance to practice some hands without risking a dime, and one to put that practice to use.
So far, the industry hasn't progressed so far as to enable mobile devices to support live dealer poker tables. This is mainly due to the limited bandwidth in smartphones and tablets, not an actual problem of the mobile poker site operators.
Mobile poker sites have the capacity to allow multi-tabling on their mobile client, but whether or not this option is available on a specific platform is ultimately the decision of the actual mobile poker site operator.
This depends on the online poker room of your choice. Some sites have developed a mobile-friendly browser version while others tend to offer an inherent mobile app.

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In most cases players can download the mobile app directly from the poker site. Just make sure you have the relevant operating system running on your device.

Poker Na Pieniadze Android Play Store

The number of apps you will be able to download and access through your smartphone or tablet is not determined by the operator. On the contrary, operators rarely forbid holding an account at a different entity once you register with them. The only reason you would have to limit the number of poker apps downloaded on to your mobile device is the storage space you have available.
There are virtually no chances of playing online poker without a connection. Most sites remind their players to turn on their mobile data or preferably find a more stable Wi-Fi network.
Different operators have a different policy when it comes to the situation of your battery going flat, or your internet connection failing, or simply because you received a phone call or accidentally set the browser or app to work in the background. It is best to check in the specific terms and conditions of your own operator or multiple ones before choosing those with the suitable policy. Poker sites have resolved this issue by folding the player's hand and asking about their next move as soon as they reconnect.
Online poker sites don't charge any fees to players who wish to access their software via a mobile device.

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